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NEW: Labour now has more landlord MPs than Tories

NEW: Labour now has more landlord MPs than Tories


Three of the top five landlords in parliament are now Labour MPs, including the biggest landlord, new MP Jas Athwal.

Landlords 'getting younger' latest research reveals

Landlords 'getting younger' latest research reveals


Keen thirty-something investors have helped to lower the average age of private landlords by four years over the last decade.

Landlord fined £500 after sending housing minister racist emails

Landlord fined £500 after sending housing minister racist emails


A landlord who sent offensive emails to MSP Patrick Harvie (main image) about his anti-landlord policies has been convicted of behaving in a threatening or abusive manner.

COMMENT: New book argues 'the end of landlords' would solve the housing crisis

COMMENT: New book argues 'the end of landlords' would solve the housing crisis


Here Tom Entwistle digests some of this argument and makes a few comments of his own - join in the argument

Smaller landlords 'need protection from rogues too' says Trading Standards

Smaller landlords 'need protection from rogues too' says Trading Standards


Smaller landlords need as much protection as tenants, a Lords committee inquiry into the regulation of property agents has been told.

Landlord reveals 20-year slog to a £6m rental portfolio

Landlord reveals 20-year slog to a £6m rental portfolio


An ambitious landlord who bought his first property aged 18 now has an impressive property portfolio worth £6 million 20 years later.

Landlord's flood planning saves tenants from water surge

Landlord's flood planning saves tenants from water surge


A landlord living in Shropshire’s largest block of flats has vowed to stay put, despite his neighbours moving out during serious flooding.

The war on landlords: are these “bogeymen” to blame for the housing crisis?

The war on landlords: are these “bogeymen” to blame for the housing crisis?


Are landlords to blame for our housing crisis, or are they on the receiving end of a very raw deal?

Letting agent sentenced after stealing landlord cash

Letting agent sentenced after stealing landlord cash


A letting agent who swindled £128,000 from her employer to fund an affair with her personal trainer was rumbled after landlords complained they had not received their rent.