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Planning law


Landlady faces jail unless she pays £52,000 Proceeds of Crime Order

Landlady faces jail unless she pays £52,000 Proceeds of Crime Order


A landlady in London faces prison unless she pays a Proceeds of Crime Act Confiscation Order totalling £51,983.

Commercial to residential conversions, a new dawn!

Commercial to residential conversions, a new dawn!


Opportunities for developers and investors in property will open up as new amendments are laid down.

Landlord wins unusual planning appeal over 'floating homes'

Landlord wins unusual planning appeal over 'floating homes'


Britain’s most unusual holiday rental investment has been uncovered following a planning appeal decision over two floating ‘pods’ at a Marina in Chichester Harbour.

Huge HMO prevention scheme launched by big Midlands city

Huge HMO prevention scheme launched by big Midlands city


Coventry has gone ahead with a huge new scheme to prevent properties being converted into HMOs without full planning permission.

Landlord to pay £8,000 after ignoring 'shed with bed' prohibition order

Landlord to pay £8,000 after ignoring 'shed with bed' prohibition order


Rogue landlords who assume they can convert outbuildings into ‘sheds with beds’ have been reminded of the likely fines they will face following a shocking case in Hertfordshire.

Northern town to clamp down on landlords converting homes to HMOs

Northern town to clamp down on landlords converting homes to HMOs


Burnley Council has launched plans to clamp down on landlords converting homes into small HMOs.