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Rent controls


Experts pour cold water on Welsh rent controls plans

Experts pour cold water on Welsh rent controls plans


The Welsh Government should reinforce existing legislation, remove barriers to building more adequate homes and improve how it collects data instead of bringing rent controls into the housing debate, according to Propertymark.

Labour report says tenants should be given 'rights charter'

Labour report says tenants should be given 'rights charter'


A Labour-commissioned review of the private rented sector has called for a new renters’ charter to strengthen tenants’ rights and a mandatory National Landlords Register to help enforce compliance.

Rent caps ARE a possibility in England reveals senior Labour figure

Rent caps ARE a possibility in England reveals senior Labour figure


Rent caps could be introduced in England by a Labour government, the party’s shadow chancellor Rachel Reeves said over the weekend.

BREAKING: Leaked Labour report proposes 'rent caps' for England

BREAKING: Leaked Labour report proposes 'rent caps' for England


A leaked report commissioned by the Labour party into the private rented sector has recommended that rents be capped in England if the party gains power.

Rent controls 'will undermine investment in PRS' says expert

Rent controls 'will undermine investment in PRS' says expert


Rent controls will undermine investment in Scotland’s PRS unless there is more long-term certainty, according to one leading lettings expert.

'Time for bold action with rent controls has come' says mayor hopeful

'Time for bold action with rent controls has come' says mayor hopeful


The Green Party’s mayoral candidate in London has said she will bring in rent controls saying the time for ‘bold action’ has come.

Scotland's 'rent controls tsar' Patrick Harvie loses power

Scotland's 'rent controls tsar' Patrick Harvie loses power


The Scottish government has been urged to reverse its anti-landlord policies after the SNP ended their power-sharing agreement with the Greens.

Labour and Green MPs call for rent controls in England

Labour and Green MPs call for rent controls in England


A group of MPs have lodged an Early Day Motion calling for rent controls in the PRS to stem the threefold increase in rents during the last 34 years.

Sadiq Khan vows to 'hold landlords to account' as re-election looms

Sadiq Khan vows to 'hold landlords to account' as re-election looms


London mayor Sadiq Khan has vowed to build 6,000 new ‘rent control’ homes across London if he’s elected for a third term in next month’s election.