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Rent repayment orders


More must be done to stop rogue tenants, says exiting landlord

More must be done to stop rogue tenants, says exiting landlord


A fed-up landlord wants the government to legislate for more stringent referencing after being hit by rent dodging and criminal tenants.

Rent repayment order fines to double under Labour

Rent repayment order fines to double under Labour


Rogue landlords face being forced to pay back up to 24 months’ rent as part of a shake-up of Rent Repayment Orders under the new Renters’ Rights Bill.

Landlord loses appeal over big rent repayment order

Landlord loses appeal over big rent repayment order


A landlord has lost his legal battle to challenge a £12,600 rent repayment order after he tried to illegally evict two former tenants.

Court throws out rent-to-rent ruling against superior landlord

Court throws out rent-to-rent ruling against superior landlord


A landlord has successfully overturned a rent repayment order after he argued he wasn’t responsible for an unlicensed HMO.

Seasoned landlord apologises over £19,000 licencing error

Seasoned landlord apologises over £19,000 licencing error


A landlord firm which tried to argue that its agent was responsible for failing to organise an additional HMO licence has been handed a £19,753 rent repayment order.

'Corner-cutting' landlord to repay former tenants £15,700

'Corner-cutting' landlord to repay former tenants £15,700


A ‘confused’ landlord who ‘cut corners’ when maintaining his unlicenced HMO has been told to pay four former tenants £15,703 after they took him to a First Tier Property Tribunal.

Tribunal slams 'reprehensible' landlord who illegally evicted nurse

Tribunal slams 'reprehensible' landlord who illegally evicted nurse


A landlord who sub-let an unlicensed HMO, failed to pay thousands of pounds in rent to the owner and illegally evicted a tenant has been handed a £4,872 rent repayment order.

Landlord to repay tenants £21,500 after Tribunal probe

Landlord to repay tenants £21,500 after Tribunal probe


Four tenants will share a £21,515 rent repayment order after they took their landlord to court for repeatedly failing to licence his HMO.

London landlords to repay tenants £45,000 after Tribunal decisions

London landlords to repay tenants £45,000 after Tribunal decisions


Three London landlords are to pay over £45,000 in rent back to their tenants following separate Tribunal decisions, highlighting the increasing risks of Rent Repayment Orders as renters become more aware of the huge sums that are often involved.