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After disastrous rent controls, SNP goes quiet on landlords

snp manifesto landlords

The SNP has published its manifesto in the run-up to next month’s general election – but renters and landlords barely get a look in.

Although it points to the introduction of temporary rent cap controls in Scotland, the party makes no mention of such aspirations for England or its thoughts on the Renters (Reform) Bill and leasehold reform.

The party hopes to increase its previous tally of 43 out of the 59 Scottish seats in the Commons and has promised voters it will push for an annual uplift of Local Housing Allowance, while ensuring rental costs are taken into account.

SNP MPs inclluding new leader John Swinney (main image) would push to tackle the housing emergency by devolving Housing Benefit and Local Housing Allowance which will, “allow the Scottish government to take an innovative approach to tackle child poverty, expand the delivery of social housing and to help fund and encourage investment in house building”.

It would also scrap the bedroom tax which punishes those claiming Universal Credit or housing benefit if they have a spare room in their rented council or housing association home.

Rent controls

As part of the Bute Agreement with the Greens, the SNP introduced rent controls in Scotland while its new Housing (Scotland) Bill proposes powers to create rent control zones in some geographic areas where rent increases wouldn’t be allowed for up to five years.

The Bill will also mean landlords cannot refuse reasonable requests for tenants to keep animals or make changes to a property, such as painting walls.

The Scottish Association of Landlords recently said that red tape and hostility from Holyrood was causing some of its members to defer investments or to take properties off the rental market, and that they were being made to feel like “pariahs” after repeated attacks from senior politicians.


Rent controls

