Gateshead is to push ahead with new property licensing schemes despite local landlords and letting agents opposing them, including 93% who have said the fees are ‘too high’.
The council, following the end of three smaller selective licensing schemes covering some 950 properties in a handful of areas, wants to expand the scheme to 5,400 homes across 16 areas within 10 wards, covering a third of its total private rented sector.
It is also planning to bring in a borough-wide additional HMO scheme that will scoop up an expected 370 larger HMOs within the same 16 areas.
The report reveals that landlords and agents in the area are worried that selective licensing in particular will make them responsible for tenants’ behaviour, and that the scheme is not fair because it will penalise already-compliant landlords.
Those seeking licenses will be required to pay a fee for each property which for selective licensing will be £850 per property, and the additional HMO will be £976 per property, although landlords get a £75 discount if they are a member of the local landlords’ association and agents if they belong to accreditation scheme Safeagent.
A report to the council written by its Head of Housing Kevin Scarlett (pictured), which was approved yesterday (18th February) means the city can now move forward with plans to bring in both schemes starting on 1st June for the first phase of selective and additional HMO licensing, and October 1st for the second phase of selective.
“We were one of the first councils in the country to introduce selective licensing, meaning that landlords of private rented properties in defined areas of Gateshead are required to get a licence from the council before renting the property to tenants,” a council statement says.
“Since its introduction, it has helped us improve property standards in the private sector by holding landlords accountable, and enforce improvements where necessary, helping to give tenants more protection.”
The ten wards affected are Birtley, Bridges, Chopwell & Rowlands Gill, Deckham, Felling, High Fell, Lobley Hill & Bensham, Saltwell, Whickham North, Dunston & Teams.