A rental property compliance service has pitched into the debate over whether the nation’s landlord licencing schemes are fair or, given the looming Renters (Reform) Bill proposals, needed.
Yuno is working with leading figure Kate Faulkner OBE (pictured) to investigate the effectiveness of the controversial schemes, and the results are not that flattering.
The compliance platform says just 25% of local authorities in England, and 36% of local authorities in Wales, are enforcing Additional HMO and Selective Licensing schemes.
Its analysis questions the cost-effectiveness and justifications for the huge fees charged - while acknowledging the significant improvements in the quality of privately-rented homes in England and Wales since they were introduced.
The research comes at an awkward time for the Government, whose proposals for a national landlord portal within its renting reform legislation will, it has been argued, make selective licencing schemes in particular unnecessary.
“[Property licencing schemes] are far from evenly distributed across regions, prompting the question as to why some regions have a significantly higher proportion of councils enforcing them," says Paul Conway (pictured), founder and boss of Yuno.
“Our analysis shows a lack of such schemes in regions with a relatively higher proportion of non-decent homes, and a higher proportion of such schemes in regions with some of the lowest proportions of non-decent homes.
“This begs the question as to the role of licensing in causing housing standards to improve.”
The research also reveals differences in licensing fees among London councils, with some charging up to 200% more for the same licenses.
“In fact, some boroughs charge more for Selective or Additional HMO Licenses than others do even for Mandatory HMO Licenses. This lack of uniformity poses questions as to cost-effectiveness and justifications for wide-ranging fees,” adds Conway.
Backed by Faulkner, Yuno will be holding a roundtable to determine the effectiveness of the expensive schemes in raising the housing standards.
To join the debate, sign up here.