British Gas has urged the government to consider a raft of measures aimed at helping landlords increase energy efficiency, including Green Upgrade Relief which lets them deduct green improvements from their annual income.
The energy supplier says while landlords are willing to make changes, they lack the knowledge and financial support.
It also suggests introducing government-kitemarked loan terms for private lenders to offer low and no interest loans, partially funded by the UK Infrastructure Bank, as well as a new one-stop shop for advice and guidance from Energy Saving Trust modelled on Scotland’s Home Energy service.
While 81% of landlords believe further [green] improvements to their properties are needed, only 23% would make them.
A new poll by British Gas reveals that while 81% of landlords believe further improvements are needed to make their property more environmentally friendly, only 23% would make these improvements.
It found some landlords remain unconvinced that making environmental improvements will benefit their property and its rental value. One of the main barriers comes from a lack of knowledge around EPC standards, with 44% of respondents not knowing their EPC rating.
Tenants are evidently reluctant to push the issue as only 30% of landlords report receiving requests for green technology, however, British Gas found the majority (61%) made an installation as a result.
Two thirds of those landlords surveyed either don’t know or have overestimated the average cost of bringing a property up to EPC C standard, which is estimated to be £7,430. There is also a lack of knowledge about the grants available, with over half (52%) unclear about their options.
Gail Parker (pictured), director of low carbon homes, says: “It’s key that we work with the government and the industry to ensure they have the ability to make these changes easily and affordably.
"We are calling for more focus to be made on the issue to help make homes more energy efficient for everybody.”