

Suffolk Building Society has launched a new mortgage aimed at expat landlords with properties that boast a high EPC rating.
Its five-year fixed expat buy-to-let product for properties with an Energy Performance Certificate rating of A to C is available on both purchase and re-mortgage cases
It was prompted by the government’s proposed requirement for all newly rented properties to have an EPC rating of C or above by 2025, followed by all existing tenancies by 2028.
The lender says it is committed to driving positive change in the housing market and hopes that the new product will increase landlords’ awareness of the need to comply with the upcoming legislation.
Charlotte Grimshaw, head of intermediary relations, says expat landlords are likely to be less aware of the forthcoming changes than landlords who are UK-based.
“Helping to provide safe homes for people throughout the UK is an objective of the society,” she explains.
“We hope this product helps to support expat BTL landlords with their purchase and re-mortgage of an energy efficient property, and that this in turn could help renters looking for similar homes.”
Grimshaw adds that it will continue to offer other buy to let products for expat landlords whose properties aren’t currently A-C rated. “We will also be launching other products in the future which will help support landlords wanting to improve their BTL EPCs through home improvements.”
The new product is 6.15% fixed for 60 months and has a maximum LTV of 80%, a minimum loan size of £75,000, and maximum loan size of £1 million. There is an application fee of £199 and a completion fee of £1,499.