Local councils across the UK have been offering private landlords sweet deals for some time now to help solve the housing crisis, but one borough council is offering one that goes the extra mile.
Landlords with houses within the suburban London borough of Epsom & Ewell are being offered contracts of between three and five years with guaranteed rent paid six months in advance.
During each tenancy, the council will carry out any minor repairs up to the value of £500 per year and ensure the property is returned to landlords in the same condition as when the agreement started, and with vacant possession.
As well as these unusually generous terms and conditions, participating property owners are also being offered ‘hassle-free landlording’. The council says renting properties via its scheme means landlords do not have to complete inventories or inspections, are not required to use a letting agency and also do not have to register deposits with an approved scheme.
Epsom & Ewell will also carry out any Right to Rent checks.
“We are all aware of the housing crisis that is affecting cities and towns across the country, and Epsom & Ewell is no different,” says Councillor Clive Woodbridge (pictured).
“It is a priority for the Council that we can provide good quality temporary housing for families in the local area.
“If landlords sign up to our Private Sector Leasing Scheme, it enables us to house local families within the community and minimises the disruption to their home life, work and school at what can be an already stressful time.
“The scheme is also good value for landlords and is relatively low risk when compared with letting the property on the open market.”