Home energy installation company BOXT aims to revolutionise the way heating systems are installed in private rented homes.
Its online platform asks landlords a short series of questions then provides an instant quote for the best heat pump solution for their property. They can then book an installation date in as little as two weeks from a network of installers across the country.
BOXT also applies for the £7,500 Boiler Upgrade Scheme Grant on landlords’ behalf, not only reducing the amount of administration time, but also lowering the cost of a heat pump to as little as £3,299.
BOXT has partnered with UK-based heat pump manufacturer Vaillant, whose heat pumps are considered to be the quietest on the market, with a low carbon output. Vaillant heat pumps also offer an app-based heating control system, giving users access to holiday functions and maintenance indications such as low water pressure. BOXT can also monitor the system remotely.
Andy Pattison (pictured) BOXT’s head of renewables, says its simple customer journey removes many of the barriers people looking to make the switch to low-carbon heating face, and makes it as easy as possible.
He adds: “The Boiler Upgrade Scheme is also helping to make the transition more accessible from a financial point of view and we hope that this, coupled with a greater understanding of the product, and a simplified buying journey, will see demand for heat pumps continue to grow as a leading renewable home heating solution.”