A new property awards has launched that aims to celebrate good landlords in the previously neglected HMO sector.
The HMO Awards is dedicated to highlighting good practice and will hand out gongs to HMO agents, operators and investors at a ceremony with a difference that aims to reward success, share learnings and help the industry grow.
Organised by HMO property management system COHO, which helps tenants find quality house-shares, and HMO Magazine, the event '� on 30th September '� includes an afternoon of TED-style talks and networking followed by an awards dinner and after-party.
Helen Turner (pictured), COHO co-founder, says HMOs are becoming the rental of choice, particularly for younger people, while co-living is also increasingly popular.
'This is about great customer service and recognising the needs of tenants,'� she tells LandlordZONE - but it's not just about having a higher property spec or a luxurious living environment.
'The proposition becomes more attractive if there's a better relationship between landlords and tenants, who look after their properties better as a result,'� she says.
HMOs can get a bad press, but there is a new breed of landlord who are professionalising the sector, Turner explains, and these awards aim to recognise this, as well as provide a platform for more collaboration between them. 'HMOs are on the rise. We need to celebrate, learn, and grow together as an industry serving millions of people,'� she adds.
A private Facebook group for the awards has already attracted 850 people in just a few days and the organisers hope it will become an annual event. Anyone interested can sign up at https://hmoawards.com/ to be updated on information about the awards categories, partnership and early-bird tickets.