One of the largest gatherings of landlords under one roof is due to take place on 19th March in London.
The National Landlord Investment Show is to hold its annual Old Billingsgate conference and exhibition which will market its 90th live show since the show launched in 2013 by Steve and Tracey Hanbury.
Some 100 firms will be promoting their wares at the free-to-attend show, along with a panel of experts from the world of land-lording, as well as a clutch of different seminar spaces.
The key one, hosted by TV and radio personality Ian Collins in the main room, will tackle the Renters’ Rights Bill and the huge changes it will introduce for private landlords in England when it goes live later this year.
The other three satellite seminar rooms will include speakers offering topical advice and information on a range of subjects including financing buy-to-lets, legal matters, and investment strategy, to name few.
Tracey Hanbury (pictured) says: “As the rental sector undergoes major change, it’s vital that landlords understand their rights and responsibilities.
“Our Renters’ Rights panel will provide essential legal insights, while our New Investors and Women in Property panels will offer practical guidance for those looking to enter and thrive in the industry.”
The Billingsgate show made national headlines two years ago when demonstrators from London Renters Union, who are no friend of the sector, waived placards at the entrance and police were called when industry figure and YouTube regular Ranjan Battacharya took them to task in person.
Readers are advised to pre-register for a free ticket to avoid having to queue on the day.