A Kent landlord who dumped a huge pile of his tenant’s belongings in a country lane was rumbled after an investigation traced it back to him.
Ashford’s environmental enforcement team discovered the rubbish blocking the remote New Forest Lane near Chilham - one of the largest fly-tips it has ever faced.
Household waste included carpet, a sofa, armchair, clothes, plastic boxes and bags of general household waste (main picture).
Sifting through the rubbish, officers found evidence relating to a man living in Herne Bay. He told them he had moved out of his rented accommodation in Charles Street before the fly-tip was found and that his ex-landlord had made arrangements for someone to dispose of the waste.
He had even sent several hundred pounds to his former landlord to cover the costs of the waste disposal – a claim he was able to back up with screenshots of the mobile phone messages between them, as well as a screenshot of the bank transfer.
Officers interviewed the landlord who confirmed his former tenant had left all of his belongings at Charles Street and that the payment arrangements had been made by text.
He told them he hadn’t used his former tenant’s money to pay a waste carrier and instead made several tip runs himself to dispose of it. However, he could not explain how it ended up being fly-tipped in New Forest Lane.
The landlord was given a Fixed Penalty Notice of £400.
Pic credit: Ashford Borough Council.