Landlords, letting agents and other players in the property game are being urged to support Paul Shamplina’s latest charity event which is due to take place on the night of Thursday June 27th.
Called Rumble with the Agents and in its ninth year during which it has raised over £150,000, Shamplina and his team are now looking for both landlords willing to get into the ring and do a few rounds for charity or buy tickets to attend the popular event.
Sponsored by Hamilton Fraser, the considerable sums that will be raised at the event will go to Legends on the Bench, a charity set up by former Spurs legend Micky Hazzard(pictured).
He will be a guest of honour, with other ex-footballers attending too. Legends on the Bench helps combat mental health issues and prevent suicides across the UK.
Shamplina says he’s looking for ten property people ‘willing to embark on a journey of fitness, skill development, and altruism’ to do a few rounds on the night for charity.
Experience of boxing is not necessary but the commitment includes compulsory group boxing sessions at Boxr Bootcamp in North London, supplemented by three months of individual training at local gyms.
The main event, which will take place at the Holiday Inn in Golders Green, promises an unforgettable evening featuring five fights, a three-course meal with drinks, a lively auction, raffle, and post-event disco.
For more information on attending or taking part in the boxing, email Shamplina or call him direct on 07790 569501.