Landlord Action is celebrating 25 years of successfully helping private landlords recover their properties.
The firm set out to disrupt the market with its three-step fixed-fee process for property recovery and tenant eviction as an alternative to high solicitors’ fees.
In 2014, it became a regulated firm of solicitors, taking a stand against the emergence of unregulated eviction companies and joined Hamilton Fraser - now Total Property - in 2017. It now has a staff of 23.
Co-founder Paul Shamplina said there have been many achievements since the company launched in 1999.
These include making squatting a criminal offence in 2012, recovering £90,000 in rent arrears in a single case, bringing a notorious serial sub-letting scammer to justice, and appearing on six series of Channel 5’s Nightmare Tenants, Slum Landlords.
“We’ve helped thousands and thousands of landlords over the years,” Shamplina tells LandlordZONE, “and with Section 21 going we’ll be busier than ever.”
However, he fears that the courts will probably get slower without more judges and worries that the Section 8 grounds won’t be strong enough.
“The number of these claims will go up, but the biggest worry is the amount of time landlords will be owed rent - up to six months by the time they see a judge. We also need high court enforcement officers to take the slack from county court bailiffs.”
Shamplina continues to personally handle landlord queries, conducts educational workshops and seminars for landlords and letting agents, and frequently appears on television and radio to discuss hot topics in the PRS.