A landlord in Liverpool has secured £2.3 million to refinance nine student HMOs within the city and unusually has gone public about the deal.
Brickworks Properties, which is run by Jordan Silverstone (main image) and Sam O’Flaherty, secured the refinancing deal from Secure Trust Bank (STB).
The pair spent the summer refurbishing the homes (main image) over the summer which were then let out to students from the city’s two main universities.
This new five-year refinancing deal is the third time Brickworks have worked with STB and was organised in just ten weeks from initial enquiry in late July.
The properties are all in the popular student residential area around Smithdown Road and Sefton Park.
Silverstone says: “We have worked with STB for around four years now, and the team’s bespoke approach really is second to none.
“With our existing property finance package expiring, we knew the bank would be able to provide the necessary solution in such a tight turnaround.
“The team’s visit to the houses during the summer helped to create a better understanding of what was needed from both parties to make sure this deal was a success.
“With the student year now underway, we are pleased to see the eight homes looking at their very best while hosting nearly 50 budding undergraduates.”
All the homes’ assured shorthold tenancies (ASTs) now signed, Brickworks Properties has since secured another year’s worth of income until July 2026.
Vincent Pang, Relationship Director at STB, says: “As an experienced lender in this specialist area of student accommodation investment finance, we are well versed to understand and tackle the challenges developers and investors face, ensuring the student HMO sector continues to thrive for years to come.”