A landlord has been ordered to pay £5,312 for unlawfully evicting his tenant, leaving the renter with nowhere to stay and without access to his belongings and medication.
Sunjeet Dubb of Laghourton, Lincoln, first tried to pressurise the man into ending his tenancy, then when that didn’t work, changed the locks on the house in Worksop.
Bassetlaw District Council’s environmental health team were notified by its Housing Needs department that the tenant – who had lived in the property for 18 months – had been thrown out.
Dubb met council officers under caution but refused to change the locks back or provide keys.
The landlord appeared at Mansfield Magistrates Court where he admitted failing to follow the correct legal process to evict his tenant by changing the locks on the property without giving his tenant notice.
Dubb was fined £233, along with a £89 victim surcharge, £668 in costs and £4,322 to repay the council for the cost of B&B accommodation.
Councillor Jonathan Slater (pictured), cabinet member for housing and estates, says Dubb’s unlawful conduct deprived the tenant of his belongings, resulting in him having to buy clothing, being unable to access medication or acquire more, and needing accommodation from the council.
He added: “The council contacted Mr Dubb in an attempt to rectify the issue before it progressed, but to no avail. Had Mr Dubb followed the correct process, the tenant would have had much more time to find alternative accommodation and may not have become homeless.”
Picture credit: Gimbal Walk TV