A landlord who failed to remove dangerous mould from a children’s bedroom has been handed a £10,451 fine.
James Smith ignored Watford Council’s improvement notice to carry out works after it received reports from a distressed family living in hazardous conditions with three young children.
Its environmental health team found that large parts of the property in Kings Avenue were not safe to be lived in - especially as the young tenants were under 14 and particularly vulnerable.
Due to the amount of mould in the children’s bedroom and the danger it posed to their health, the council also served an emergency prohibition order, preventing the room from being used until the urgent repair works had been completed. The family has since left the property.
Despite this, Smith, of Harwoods Road, failed to carry out any of the works. He admitted the offence at St Albans Magistrates Court where he was fined and ordered to pay a £1,843 victim surcharge and £4,000 in court costs.
Watford mayor Peter Taylor says it’s a shocking story and promises that landlords neglecting their responsibilities won’t be tolerated. He adds: “It’s truly horrible to see a family living in such terrible conditions. Watford Council stands firm in its commitment to safeguarding the wellbeing of our residents, especially in this case where there were young children involved, the most vulnerable group to be affected by mould spores.”