The never-ending onslaught of landlords, including the abolition of Section 21, tough EPC rules, and changes to stamp duty, have left landlords fed up and thinking of throwing in the towel.
The Labour government is the final nail in the coffin for many landlords who are overwhelmed with all the rules and regulations and want to get out of the market as soon as possible.
For landlords who don’t know where to turn Landlord Sales Agency can help sell your portfolio quickly and for a competitive price.
Our buyers are a mix of new landlords, investors and first-time buyers meaning that whether you’re selling with or without tenants, the properties will be snapped up. It also means that we’re able to get you the best possible price.
We have an extensive private database of over 30,000 buyers and can sell your property in less than 28 days.
You may be worried about how to tell your tenants you are thinking of selling up. They may have been there for years and despite what the media say you want to make sure they’re looked after.
For those properties that require evictions, we are able to help negotiate rents with existing tenants to prevent the need for eviction or personally help your tenants relocate, or help them financially to find a new place.
In some cases, we’re even able to help with rent. Our agency’s eviction sale process has a 100% success rate.
We can take tenanted properties off your hands and your tenants will be happy knowing they are staying in a stable situation.
We provide a win-win solution for both landlords and tenants that no other company is offering.
I’m a landlord myself and I know how tough the situation is at the moment. The never-ending rumours of more rules and regulations to penalise landlords have just left most of us feeling stuck and pushed over the edge.
You want a portfolio-exit specialist you can trust. We’re a company founded by landlords for landlords, made up of the UK’s top portfolio exit specialists who know exactly what it takes to overcome all problems associated with selling buy-to-lets. We solve every single problem, no matter what it is.
Working with us, we keep you updated every step of the way, so you don’t have to worry about the long wait involved in selling your property portfolio.
We typically achieve 85–90% of the market value, and for that, we cover all the costs and remove all the hassle that comes with selling a portfolio.
We can sell entire property portfolios or partial portfolios in bulk in one go. If you’d prefer to hold on to part of your portfolio for now, that’s no problem.
Plus, you’ll continue earning rental income right up until the day of the sale.
No matter how many houses you have, or in what condition, we’ll take them all off your hands, and get you the highest price for your portfolios in less than 28 days.
We have a team of experts on hand to help you refurb your property whether it’s electrical certificates, fire safety upgrades, or structural fixes we are here to help.
In some cases, we’ll even pay for the refurbs ourselves so you can get a higher price.
Who knows what the Labour government might have in store for landlords in 2025? If you’re looking for a quick way out at the best possible price, contact us by filling out the form below.