Thousands of landlords are feeling the pinch as rising costs, talk of rent caps, and upcoming EPC regulations add pressure to an already challenging rental market.
With less than 50 days to go until the start of the New Year, many landlords are looking for a quick way out.
Landlords don’t want to be stuck waiting years to sell their property. For landlords like Shauna, who had to wait eight years to sell 14 properties, turning to Landlord Sales Agency helped her finally move her portfolio.
After almost a decade of trying to sell the properties by herself through various different means, the moment Shauna contacted us she was able to sell the remaining 23 properties of her portfolio in under 16 days.
Shauna says she was shocked at just how fast we were able to find a buyer and all for the best price possible.
We help hundreds of landlords every day, like Shauna, get a quick sale and cash in the bank before the New Year.
With a database of more than 30,000 buyers, we are known for selling properties in less than 28 days and for the best price.
We always keep our customers up to date throughout the process and you can sit back and not worry about managing the details.
Shauna says: “The whole team is so professional, you only have to pick the phone up and speak to them.
“Nine times out of ten your team was phoning me to give me updates. The team kept me up to speed when negotiating with the different investors. I didn’t really have to worry about doing any work as everything went through really smoothly.”
We have a 100% success rate in selling tenanted buy-to-lets and a solid network of solicitors who can help with evictions, paying tenants to move out, or raising rents to make properties more appealing to buyers.
If you prefer to use your own solicitor like Shauna that’s not a problem either.
We can also help with refurbs and in some cases even pay for them so you can get a higher price. If you have a problem with tenants in your property, then we have you covered. We are experts in handling difficult tenant situations and can sell the property with tenants in situ.
In most cases, tenants agree to rent increases in exchange for staying. For the more tricky cases, we can personally help your tenants relocate or help them financially to find a new place. In some cases, we’re even able to help with rent.
No matter what the problem is we can help sell entire property portfolios, or partial portfolios in bulk in one go.
We always aim to get the best price, and while you might have to take a small hit we always offer a fair and competitive price.
We use a ‘goldilocks level’ where it is somewhere between an estate agent and an auctioneer price, around 85-90% of market value and for that we cover all the costs and take away all the hassle that comes with selling the portfolio. We’re completely transparent, so you know exactly what we’re making.
What are you waiting for? Now’s the time to make a quick exit, get your properties sold, and have cash in the bank before 2025 begins!