Landlords are being invited to a “five-star training day” to help them navigate the biggest changes in the rental market for 30 years.
The Landlords' Survival Guide 2025 event is being held in London on June 4.
It aims to help landlords navigate some of the biggest legislative changes being seen by the industry, and ensure they continue to run a successful property business.
It is being hosted by Paul Shamplina, co-founder of Landlord Action, along with Steve and Tracey Hanbury, who run the National Landlord Investment Show.
Shamplina said: “The Landlords' Survival Guide 2025 will help you to prepare your property business for change. We are going to experience one of the biggest changes in 30 years.
“I am going to be hosting a five-star training day in London on June 4 with Steven and Tracey Hanbury from the National Landlord Investment Show.
“We are going to be covering property management, the Renters’ Rights Bill, finance and tax, even auctions.”
He added: “We are putting on this event for the second year, following a successful one last year. It will be bigger and better for landlords who want to be considered as professionals.
“We are aiming for 100 to 200 landlords to attend to hear myself and other experts with at least 20 years’ experience in the sector, speak with a no nonsense approach to self-managing their properties.
“There is no up-selling, just pure education, with some great tips by seasoned professionals, who are at the top of their game.”
Speakers at the event will include Christian Balshen, of Rightmove, who will be covering market trends.
Meanwhile, Susie Crolla, of Guild of Letting and Management, will talk about how best to navigate the Renter’s Rights Bill changes to minimise risk and ensure landlords are compliant.
Also at the event will be Gavin Richardson of MFB, who will be speaking about investment opportunities and mortgage trends for 2025.
Click here for more information about the London event and to book.