The Government is to phase out gas by 2035 as part of its green ten-point plan announced this week, meaning millions of boilers across the private rented sector are on borrowed time.
CEO of the Chartered Institute of Plumbing and Heating Engineering (CIPHE), Kevin Wellman, understands landlords' concerns that a move to green technology and more energy-efficient homes will incur additional costs and disrupt tenants.
But he says those landlords looking to make the change now should use the Green Homes Grant to help enhance the energy efficiency of their existing housing stock.
'Reducing energy waste is just as important as moving over to clean energy and will result in reduced heating bills and more comfortable homes,'� Wellman tells LandlordZONE.
Under the new plan, gas boilers will also be banned in all newly built homes within three years to help Britain reach its target of net zero emissions by 2050.
The '�future homes standard' will require all new homes to have low-carbon alternatives, such as electric heat pumps.
But in a consultation document, the Ministry of Housing has noted that, 'there may not be the necessary supply chains, trained installers and product availability needed for every home-builder'�.
A report by the Committee on Climate Change has also previously highlighted issues around a lack of qualified heat pump installers.
The CIPHE is more confident that the UK can make the change. Adds Wellman (pictured): 'The infrastructure is not in place for wholesale adoption of low carbon heating - we need approximately 100,000 engineers trained to install the new technology - but a rapid pace of technological change is something those in the heating industry are used to.'�