

Landlords are being asked to share their experiences of buying and selling properties to help strengthen the case for introducing digital property packs.
The packs - already being used by some banks and property firms looking to improve the conveyancing process - include material information about the property, land registry title and lease information, deeds restrictions, searches, EPC rating, and council tax banding.
The Open Property Data Association has launched a survey as it believes there’s very little information on how consumers feel about their home buying and selling experience, or what their attitudes are to digital property packs and sharing their digital identity. Landlords transacting or adding to their property portfolios are undoubtedly experiencing frustrations and delays, says chair Maria Harris.
“There’s lots of data that the landlord needs when listing the property for rent and then later to fulfil their reporting obligations and accessing retrofit or refinancing products,” she tells LandlordZONE. “We anticipate that there will be additional use cases as we transition to new building safety requirements, net zero reporting, energy and home efficiency, and the other areas that are being explored in the Smart Data bill.”
The association has called on the government to mandate digital property packs on all transactions, but this isn’t currently included in the Digital Information and Smart Data bill. The group is also promoting a property data trust framework - a set of open data and technology standards used by members to describe property data as a standardised way of connecting to each others' platforms.
Adds Harris: “When digital property packs and our property data trust framework are implemented, landlords and their tenants will have access to trusted and reliable data from authenticated sources and will be able to safely and easily share that data when they need to.”
The survey takes about 15 minutes and can be completed anonymously here.