

As we enter April it’s been a mixed bag for landlords, with many “nervous" landlords looking to sell amidst a growing apprehension of market conditions and general elections.
If you’ve made the decision that now’s the time to sell some, or all, of the properties in your portfolio, you’re not alone.
In the last three years there's been an average of 179,116 landlord sales per year as reported by ONS & Hamptons. But if we’ve decided that’s what we need to do, where do we turn?
For around 250 landlords per month, Landlord Sales Agency is the answer, and it’s a service that’s supported by leading landlord associations including LandlordZONE.
Founded by landlords for landlords, we know exactly what it takes to sell buy-to-let portfolios fast and we have the network to do it. Whether it’s your whole portfolio, or part of your portfolio, Landlord Sales Agency can sell with or without tenants, and in most cases we’re able to sell no matter what the condition.
Rather than getting 70% market value at auction from selling fast, or 90% market value through traditional estate agents but having it take years, we're able to get you an extremely comfortable 80-85% market value and we'll manage your entire portfolio sale for you, sorting out every single issue. No hassle, no stress, the entire sale managed for you including keeping or relocating tenants, EPCs and repairs with an average sale time of less than 28 days.
Comprised of a team of the UK property industry’s leaders, we’re able to connect your buy-to-lets with our database of over 30,000 private buyers, a network of nationwide estate agents, local agents, and – if you need even more offers –our own private investors. Our process generates a bidding war to drive up prices to ensure you’re getting the price you want in super quick time scales. It’s perfect for landlords who have made the decision to sell, know what your options are, and just want to get out in a way that allows you to cash in and move on.
We’re so confident in our ability to sell your portfolios that in some cases we have a team of builders who can jump in and help with any repairs or refurbs and we’re happy to take on the costs – no problem, we’ll simply make those costs back on the sale.
While landlords still need to be realistic on price – it’s still a tough market out there -we’re extremely confident that we can get you what you need to exit the market in the way you want to, and fast.
The results speak for themselves, with landlords more than happy to share their reviews of the service. One landlord came to us with a portfolio of 14 houses in Liverpool. We sold 6 with tenants in within 28 days, with the remaining properties in negotiation and on course to sell. On another, we sold 3 properties in Kent –at the prices they wanted - with tenants in situ.
We’re in challenging times, but for landlords looking to sell, we’re able to provide an industry-leading solution to get the job done.
So if you’re a landlord looking to sell, Landlord Sales Agency are here to help.
All you need to do is get in touch.