

The quality of service provided by letting agents to landlords and tenants is under the spotlight again after an influential group within the Lords revealed it is to look at the industry.
The House of Lords Industry and Regulators Committee, led by Baroness Taylor (pictured) but which includes Lord Best, who led a similar investigation into estate agents in 2019, is to look the current approach to regulation of property agents in the residential sector, and in particular whether there should be a new regulator.
Landlords wishing to complaint about a letting agency’s service must refer their complaint to a redress scheme once attempts to get a settlement out of their agent are exhausted.
In England these are TPO or The PRS, but neither are regulators but instead mediation services.
In England these are TPO or the PRS, but neither are regulators but instead mediation services.
The first session tomorrow afternoon will look at how letting agents treat tenants and leaseholders and will include evidence from campaign group Generation Rent.
One of the key topics the committee is set to examine includes whether letting agents should be licenced like pubs and taxis are, and have their licences linked to an official Code of Practice.
A spokesperson for the committee has told LandlordZONE that they expect representatives from the landlord community, as well as those representing home buyers and sellers, to be quizzed during later sessions.
Because the initiative is not a full inquiry, the committee will send the Secretary of State a letter outlining its recommendations in due course. This may be later debated in the Lords via an oral question.
Watch the first session at 10.30am tomorrow 27th February.
Pic credit: House of Lords Industry and Regulators Committee