A new poster campaign on the London Underground is urging travellers to report dodgy landlords.
City Hall is promoting its Rogue Landlord and Agent Checker in Tube stations under the tagline, ‘Report a Rogue Landlord – get renting advice and check or report a landlord or letting agent today’.
A spokeswoman for the Mayor of London tells LandlordZONE that the landlord-specific posters on display across the London Underground are part of a multi-channel campaign, with promotional activity also taking place on social media throughout July.
The name and shame database was launched in 2017 to help crack down on unscrupulous landlords and agents in the capital and is published on the London Mayor’s website. #
It aims to give Londoners greater confidence in renting a home by allowing them to check a prospective landlord or letting agent and see who has been prosecuted or expelled from letting agent redress schemes. It has been used more than 400,000 times.
It includes landlords and agents’ full names, what type of enforcement action was taken against them, for what offence, and what fine if any they received.
“The mayor is doing everything in his power to improve housing standards in the capital and ensure London’s 2.7 million renters can protect themselves against bad and even illegal practices in the private rented sector,” the spokeswoman adds.
“The mayor is proud that his reporting tool has been used by thousands of Londoners since it was first launched. He has promoted it regularly, including most recently on the transport network, to raise awareness so that more people privately renting in London can benefit – helping to build a better, fairer London for everyone.”