A good Samaritan landlord is bucking the national trend by not raising his rents for more than 25 years.
Mick Musson, who owns eight flats at the former Blue Horse Pub (inset), in Great Ponton, Lincolnshire, hasn't increased the rent since he took over the property, and now counts the tenants as his friends.
One, Rob Podum, was homeless before moving into a one-bedroom flat in the block in 2006 and admits he was at his lowest ebb, reports The Grantham Journal.
Podem, 56, says Musson is a brilliant landlord and doesn't want to move. 'It's been brilliant, and I have known Mick a long time,'� he says. 'I'm still paying what I paid when I first moved in, and I offered to pay him more to cover the electric as I wouldn't want to see him suffer.'�
Adds Podum: 'You hear about these people who are exploited by landlords. However, Mick is great.'�
Follow tenant Alan Hodgson, 68, also lives in a one-bedroom flat in the property and says
Musson has been 'good as gold'� since he first moved in four years ago. Hodgson adds: 'He's the best landlord anyone could ever have. If you have a problem, he'll be there. All the time it's been the same rate and he's never ripped anyone off. He's a good man.'�
Musson explains that he tells tenants the rent they pay when they move in won't change. 'I don't think they will leave unless they have a certain reason,'� he adds. 'They are friends. They will come down to pay their rent and then end up having a cup of coffee.'�
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Read the full story about the landlord.