Landlords will be able to apply for bespoke green loans and cashback rewards to make their properties more energy efficient under a new government-backed scheme.
Chameleon Technology’s HTC-Up project has received £795,000 for its green finance offer which allows landlords to accurately assess their energy efficiency and then recommends products that achieve maximum impact on energy savings.
Part of a £16 million funding boost through the Green Home Finance Accelerator programme, the government has picked 12 innovative projects, some of which specifically helps the PRS cut energy bills and emissions.
Other projects sharing the cash include a web browser and app-based platform from City Science Corporation which landlords can access by using open data sources such as Land Registry, Companies House, and the EPC database.
They choose their desired outcome such as EPC rating or emissions rate, as well as budget, then get a tailored package of costed retrofit measures, are matched to the most appropriate financing solution and connected to accredited installers to carry out retrofit work.
Energy Saving Trust Enterprises is piloting the Retrofit Proposition Toolkit, a suite of pre-configured digital services that will enable financial service companies, such as banks and building societies, to create an end-to-end retrofit offer targeted at owner-occupiers and private landlords, specifically those looking to improve their homes to EPC band C.
Scroll Finance is launching a purpose-built, point-of-sale finance platform, Green Finance Hub, for consumer retrofit energy efficiency and decarbonisation improvements for private landlords.
Lord Callanan (main picture), Minister for Energy Efficiency and Green Finance, says: “We are always looking to test progressive ways to make energy saving measures more accessible and affordable, allowing people to make their homes greener and warmer.”