North East Landlords has rebranded as GB Landlords (GBL) as it expands its reach into the capital ahead of its first London landlord event.
The consortium of businesses launched in 2018 to bring the North East private landlord community together through regular property education events, sharing specialist industry knowledge, latest developments and best practice. It aims to help educate and inform landlords on upcoming changes in the market and meetings are open to anyone interested in buy to let.
Since its inception, the association has developed a significant network in the North East so organisers decided to rebrand and widen its reach to a national audience, says founder and property professional Bruce Haagensen (pictured right).
GB Landlords has engaged with landlords who care about their tenants, want to provide decent properties and have their tenants for as long as possible, adds Haagensen. “We’ve seen some incredible growth since the inception of NE Landlords and we are excited to provide the same opportunities to landlords outside of the region at what is a very uncertain time for landlords across the country,” he says.
GBL’s steering group includes Surbhi Vedhara, Sweeney Miller Law’s managing partner, Martin Wardle, tax director and chartered tax advisor at Robson Laidler, Paul Hampton, principal of approved mortgage solutions, and Janet Fay, MD of Coversure Insurance, alongside Haagensen.
The inaugural London meeting is at HSBC’s Canary Wharf HQ on 27th March when Landlord Action’s Paul Shamplina will be sharing his thoughts on the PRS and how to improve it. Martin Wardle will update delegates on tax changes, Surbhi Vedhara will discuss making conveyancing problem-free, and Paul Hampton will talk about mortgage availability to help those who want to buy more properties.
Find details on GB Landlord’s Facebook page and Eventbrite.com/o/gb-landlords-31907504935.