

New research within the private rented sector has unearthed surprising attitudes to rent increases among tenants.
Uswitch asked 2,000 renters whether they would accept an increase when renewing their rental contract and found that on average 36% would accept an increase while 50% said they would not.
The others, some 10% of those surveyed by the mortgage and insurance platform, said they would quit their home rather than face an increase in the hope of finding somewhere cheaper.
Tenants reported that they were more likely to accept an increase if they had a good relationship with their landlord with older renters more likely to accept a rent increase than younger ones.
By '�good relationship' tenants said they meant landlords who were good at communication, upkeep of the property, those who abided by the terms of the rental contract and who were aware of their responsibilities.
'It is clear from our survey data that tenants place a lot of importance on the positive values that go into a successful landlord-tenant relationship,'� says Uswitch spokesperson Kellie Steed (pictured).
Tenants who do not accept rent increase demands from landlords will soon have extra tools at their disposal when the Government's Renters' Reform Act becomes law, most likely next year.
This aims to prevent landlords in England increasing their rent more than once a year, and make it easier and quicker for tenants to challenge unjustifiable or excessive rent increases through the First Tier Tribunal system.
The most recent English housing survey found that almost 11,000 households in the private rented sector reported moving recently because their landlord put up the rent.
Read more about rent increases.