Arun Council is getting tougher with landlords wanting to convert homes into small HMOs by introducing an Article 4 direction in three of its wards.
The move means that proposals to convert homes will need to go through the normal planning process rather than being allowed under permitted development.
It says this will prevent buildings in Marine and Hotham wards in Bognor Regis (pictured), and River ward in Littlehampton from being turned into poor-quality housing and should help protect the district's natural and heritage assets to encourage economic growth.
It follows a legal process and consultation, and has now been approved by the full council.
Councillor Terence Chapman, chair of Arun's planning committee, says the changes will allow the council to better manage the creation of HMOs and their impact on the wellbeing of the community in these three wards.
He adds: 'We understand the need for development, but as we say in our council vision, it's about delivering the right homes in the right places.'�
Arun only runs an HMO licensing scheme for properties housing five or more sharing tenants from two or more households.
It also has a landlord accreditation scheme in partnership with Chichester District Council, to reward those with excellent standards and safe properties. Landlords must reach a set of standards relating to the management and physical condition of their buildings, but the scheme only has 77 accredited properties.
Read more about HMO regulation.