A partnership has been launched that enables landlord who are members of the National Residential Landlords Association to better manage tenancy changeovers, for free.
Homebox, which is a free utility management service, says the partnership will see it give member landlords who sign up to its service a £15 credit to help pay for utilities during void periods.
The service also helps landlords and letting agents manage the often time-consuming process of managing a tenancy changeover, principally helping to notify water and energy companies about tenancy changes and informing their local authority about council tax arrangements.
Homebox, which says it saves landlords and agents 90 minutes in admin work per tenancy changeover, also offers tenants a ‘home setup’ consultancy, enabling them to combine all of their utility bills into a single monthly payment.
As a result of this partnership, the NRLA’s members will be able to receive accurate utility bills with up to £15 credit applied automatically, each time there’s a void.
“We’re delighted to partner with Homebox, an organisation which seeks to help landlords throughout the market to reduce costs between tenancies,” says Sam Croasdale (pictured), Deputy Director of Commercial at the NRLA.
“Void periods can produce stress and added costs for landlords. NRLA members can now benefit from Homebox’s trusted services, which reduce the administrative burden many landlords experience in the period between tenancies.”
Dan Brumhead, Director of Growth at Homebox, adds: "Our exciting partnership empowers landlords to streamline and automate utility management, removing the administrative burden of the change-of-tenancy process. Part of this includes dedicated support with void management and tenant concierge solutions. Best of all, our services are completely free."