

A new property platform aims to take the strain from HMO landlords dealing with multiple tenant enquiries and help them to prevent voids.
Intense competition in the market means operators can spend up to three hours a day responding to prospective tenants, sifting through hundreds of enquiries from multiple platforms, says founder Neil Chadda (pictured).
'If landlords want to achieve the best rates from the best tenants, they need to respond very quickly, at all hours, which is a real burden and can lead to voids,'� says the 36-year-old, who is also a landlord.
'You know that feeling of dread when your phone buzzes while you're on holiday or relaxing with family. It doesn't matter if the task is simple, it takes up headspace, never allowing you to 100% relax. NEVO aims to solve this problem.'�
The platform handles the advertising of HMOs, screening and booking of prospective tenants, and responds to applicants 24/7.
NEVO uses AI combined with virtual assistants to triage and escalate calls, while there is also a manager on-hand.
Applicants have their questions answered, and if they pass screening '� based on each landlord's criteria such as whether someone is in full employment - they are booked into a viewing.
Chadda, the administrator of The HMO Group, the largest community of HMO operators on the web, has housed hundreds of tenants and understands the struggles of being constantly available.
'We want smaller operators with maybe 10 or 15 rooms, or even smaller, to use the service,'� he tells LandlordZONE.
'We want to support them as we believe they're the best people to run HMOs, rather than faceless property management companies.'�