Landlords in County Durham have had to fork out fines totalling £1.38 million in the three years since selective licensing was introduced.
Under its scheme, the county council has issued 14,520 licences, brought five prosecutions and made 95 improvement notices for disrepair alongside the civil penalties, reports The Northern Echo. Properties in East Durham’s former mining villages, communities in and around Bishop Auckland, and towns and villages in North Durham are all included.
A council debate discussing the scheme’s progress was told that several incidents of anti-social behaviour, fighting, and drugs were linked to properties on Victoria Street, Shotton Colliery. In Encombe Terrace at Ferryhill, serious anti-social behaviour, off-road bikes, and loud parties have all been linked to homes in the street. Enforcement officers have conducted door-to-door inquiries, issued tenancy warnings and vacated tenants.
Some privately rented properties in particular areas have been found to have serious issues including damp, mould, fire hazards and structural instability. However, the council reports that the overall rate of anti-social behaviour has dropped in designated licensing areas in the last two years.
Councillor Bill Moist (pictured) says there’s still a lot of ignorance among smaller landlords. He adds: “I accept there has been a lot of publicity around this, but is there a chance we can increase that? I would like to see a targeted publicity campaign. The sooner all private landlords are members of the scheme the better.”
Ted Murphy, the council’s housing standards manager, explains that the authority often discovers accidental landlords who have inherited properties without their knowledge.
He adds: “The Renters’ Rights Bill brings in a property portal where landlords will have to sign up if they are renting out their property. That should make a difference to who we can contact and engage with.”
The council will start a full review this year, before deciding whether to extend the existing scheme, revise, or end it.