More landlords in Wirral could have to pay for a selective licence under plans being drawn up by the local council.
The borough introduced selective licensing in July 2015 and currently operates schemes in 10 different areas. Following a decision by the economy, regeneration and housing committee, it is now consulting on designating six areas: two are existing areas which are due to end in September 2025 (Tranmere Lairds and Egremont South); two are new areas (Lower Tranmere and Tranmere North); another is a former area (Birkenhead Central); and the last would see the scheme reintroduced to part of a former area (Hamilton Square B).
The schemes are focused on areas where there is a higher-than-average number of private rented housing, a higher turnover of tenants and poorer property conditions.
The council’s report says: “In the 2020 selective licensing scheme area for example, inspections have so far been completed on 1,018 privately rented properties. The compliance rate with licence conditions has been found to be poor with 37% of the properties inspected failing to meet the licensing conditions. All the schemes have had a tangible positive impact on property and management standards.”
Chair of the economy, regeneration and housing committee, councillor Tony Jones, believes most landlords are responsible and adds: “This scheme is about tackling rogue landlords and protecting tenants in Wirral, dealing with those who provide – and profit from – renting out homes which are not fit for purpose and poor quality.”
As part of the consultation – which is open to 10th March - residents will also be asked their views on powers to regulate private landlords who fail their tenants including banning orders, use of the national rogue landlord database and rent repayment orders.
Feedback will be considered next summer for final consideration of the scheme which would launch in October. Landlords are being encouraged to take part at haveyoursay.wirral.gov.uk/selective-licensing-2025-2030.