Landlords in Norwich are chasing thousands of pounds in rent payments from a letting agency which appears to have gone under.
Christine and Carol Sharp claim that TIILI, based at Kirkham House in Whiffler Road (pictured), owes them more than £8,000 in outstanding rent for the HMO it rented out on their behalf, Eastern Daily Press reports.
The sisters first started letting out the five-bedroom property in Copenhagen Way through TIILI in March 2023, but say late payments and unagreed charges by the agent began in January this year.
They left the letting agent last month but claim that TIILI still has their money while they have been unable to contact the firm via phone, email or through its website.
Their point of contact had always been TIILI’s office manager Amy Kennedy, who was appointed as a director of the company in May but resigned last month, with Steven Barker becoming the firm’s sole director.
Kirkham House, where the firm’s office was based, told EDP that TIILI moved out last week. The firm remains listed as an active company on Companies House.
“Letting agencies shouldn’t be able to hold on to rent money and not pass it over – it’s our money, not theirs,” says Christine. “They would promise us faithfully that they would send over the money, but of course they never did.”
She adds that it became apparent the firm was going to be late every time, while she would question charges on invoices that hadn’t been agreed to.
“They even charged us for garden maintenance and cutting grass, but we’ve got no grass. The tenants were also reporting faults to them, and they did nothing about it. The heating was faulty since June.”
LandlordZONE has approached TIILI for a comment.