

The number of Right to Rent penalties handed to landlords have tripled so far this year under a crackdown on illegal renting and working.
Home Office data shows penalties issued to landlords during January to September increased to 75 from 24 during the same period in 2022. Meanwhile, 1,220 civil penalties have been issued for illegal working, up from 581 last year.
The volume of visits carried out by the Home Office to check for people working illegally has increased by 68% in 2023 to 4,721 compared with 2,808 in the same period in 2022.
The volume of those arrested and then detained on a visit also increased, with 5,576 arrested and 1,964 detained between January and September, compared with 2,175 arrested and 739 detained in the same period last year.
Under the Right to Rent scheme, landlords must check the immigration status of prospective tenants or face a hefty fine. In August, the Home Office announced even tougher fines as part of a wider attempt to reduce the number of migrants crossing the channel.
From the start of 2024, these will increase from £80 per lodger and £1,000 per occupier for a first breach to up to £5,000 per lodger and £10,000 per occupier. Repeat breaches will be fined up to £10,000 per lodger and £20,000 per occupier, up from £500 and £3,000 respectively.
When carrying out a check, landlords need to see an original form of ID in the presence of the prospective tenant, or use an approved identity service provider (IDSP) or view a tenant’s Right to Rent online via the Home Office ‘share code’ system.