Leading figures from the private rented sector including dozens of landlords gathered last week to raise over �15,000 for a food bank charity.
The funds were raised during a gala boxing event organised by evictions expert Paul Shamplina, founder of Landlord Action, who says landlords attending the event represented properties worth over �3.5 billion.
These were joined by over 200 other figures from the sector including agents, auctioneers and suppliers. This included insurance firm Total Landlord, which also sponsored the event, called Rumble with the Agents.
The son of its boss, Matt Hooker (pictured, with Shamplina), offered more than financial support after spending many months rising early in the morning before work to train, winning his bout at the event.
Along with nine other boxers including two women, Hooker's efforts were rewarded by the audience at the north London event, who via their tickets, auction bids and raffle ticket purchases helped raise the funds.
These will go towards a new refrigerated delivery van for food bank charity Gratitude, which provides support and essentials for some 1,000 vulnerable people every week in Borehamwood and the surrounding area.
'All the hard work has paid off and as well as raising money on the night, money is still coming in and LandlordZONE readers can chip in via the dedicated donations page,'� says Shamplina.
'I'd like to say a big thank you to the suppliers and the people who came but especially the boxers who were brave enough to step in the ring '� the boxing this year was a very high standard.
'As it the case every year the atmosphere was incredible and the event was sold out.'�