

Landlords can get free or subsidised advice on eco upgrades from a raft of new government-funded schemes that are now up and running across England.
Severn Wye Energy Agency is the latest to launch a Local Energy Advice Demonstrator (LEAD) Project, helping private landlords – particularly those with HMOs - get in-person home surveys and practical advice.
The project aims to give landlords a clear understanding of potential carbon and cost savings and a practical roadmap for making the right improvements in the right order.
A free energy efficiency survey, report, and extensive support - valued at £650 – is on offer to those with rental properties in Gloucestershire, as well as EPC F and G rated properties in South Gloucestershire.
It’s one of 36 such projects that have shared £20 million in grant funding from the Department for Energy Security and Net Zero to test innovative ways to provide in-person energy efficiency and clean heating advice.
All projects have now launched apart from two: Thanet District LEAD – which will include a focus on engaging landlords - and Sheffield-based Efficiency North.
Those now running include Domestic Energy Efficiency and Retrofit Advice for Landlords (DEERAL) in Warrington which specifically targets private landlords and tenants using a “unique approach to overcome the split incentive and encourage retrofit uptake in the private rental sector by conveying the long-term financial benefits of retrofit to the landlord”.
Landlords will be shown data and analysis, followed by in-person retrofit assessments.
There’s also a focus on landlords in the Groundwork Yorkshire LEAD scheme, Green Heritage Homes Project in Bath and Somerset and the South-East London Community Energy LEAD, working in Lambeth, Greenwich, Newham and Lewisham.
A spokesman for DESNZ tells LandlordZONE: “The Local Energy Advice Demonstrators Scheme will end in March 2025, and we will use the lessons learnt to help inform future policy design.”