The Prince of Wales is working with private landlords to help prevent and reduce homelessness in the UK, it has been revealed.
His charity dedicated to the issue, Homewards, has told LandlordZONE that it is working with both private and social landlords in six cities across the UK including in Sheffield, where Prince William recently attended a launch event.
During the gathering landlords, the Homewards’ sponsor Homebase and the charity itself revealed plans to offer 33 three and four bedroom properties for families on the brink or experiencing homelessness in the city.
These will be provided by national social landlords Places for People, Keystone and Target Housing, as well as local housing firm Arches, letting agencies Letzmove and My Landlord Cares as well as individual landlords.
Prince William was also joined at the event by Sheffield City Council and South Yorkshire Housing Association who are committed to supporting the project.
Homewards will now develop a package of support with the scheme’s supporters for both tenants and landlords to sustain tenancies.
Retailer Homebase is supporting Homewards and its projects with support worth some £1 million over the next five years including 1,500 ‘starter packs’ for tenants which will include paint, furniture, and furnishings.
Homebase CEO Damian McGloughlin (pictured), was also at the Sheffield launch, says: “At Homebase, we know how important it is to have a place to call home, and we’re committed to co-producing Home Starter Packs with the people who will be using them.
“Over the next five years, we’ll help end the cycle of homelessness by supporting a fresh start with a fresh lick of paint, and all their home needs.”