Negative interactions – either a one-off or a frequent occurrence - can prompt tenants to believe their freedom is being restricted, which leads to feelings of frustration and a desire to push back against the landlord’s authority and control, new research has found.
The report, Bricks to Belonging, the psychology behind bricks and homeownership, reports that it doesn’t take much to tip a landlord relationship into something that a tenant sees as negative, particularly when landlords are largely portrayed negatively in mainstream media.
The research, by IB (a psychological and behavioural science company) for Landlord Leaders and OSB Group, looks at more positive actions, such as personalising space - through decoration or minor changes - without fear of reprisal, which it says can satisfy tenants’ need for control and increase their attachment to a home.
It found that for landlords looking to attract and retain long-term tenants, the psychological need for control is less about the property or location and more about how they can create opportunities for a tenant to feel in control.
It advises: “This includes providing tenants with choices about any changes to their lived environment - for example if renovations are required, ask them for their input into the decision-making, even if superficial.”
The report says that certainty over the longer term is also important, including longer lease durations and considered break clauses.
Jon Hall (pictured), group MD, mortgages & savings, OSB Group, adds: “It’s clear that there are questions to be answered that will make a big difference to landlords - how should landlords accommodate for and support tenants if they know that one day they will leave them?”
The research reveals that life stage and wealth are the top two indicators as to whether someone would look to buy a property.
But the fourth predictor was the psychological relationship between tenant and landlord – and when a tenant perceives they have a negative relationship with their landlord it motivates them to want to buy.