Landlords and letting agents will soon be able to carry out quicker right to rent checks on British and Irish citizens.
From 6th April, Identification Document Validation Technology (IDVT) can be used to conduct the checks, allowing people to verify their identity remotely and prove their eligibility to rent. Digital identity checking platforms should simplify the process by removing the need for landlords to check and record copies of original documents. Tenants and applicants will be able to upload images of their personal documents to IDVT, instead of presenting physical documents. Landlords can secure an excuse against a statutory penalty by recording the outcome of a check made using an approved system.
Overseas nationals with an immigration status are issued a share code which can be used to carry out real-time checks on their eligibility using Home Office systems. However, although COVID-19 restrictions currently allow everyone to undergo a check based on hard copy documents via video call, this was not considered a sufficiently robust system going forward. A consultation demonstrated the need for a remote solution for British and Irish citizens, particularly because of the difficulty in persuading tenants to attend in-person checks, according to Arla Propertymark.
Minister of State for Media, Data, and Digital Infrastructure, Julia Lopez, says: 'Trusted and secure ways for people to confidently verify themselves online will be a game-changer and offer an alternative to time-consuming and complex paper-based processes.'�
The most up-to-date government guide can be found here: Right to Rent Checks: A user guide for tenants and landlords.