Labour MP Tom Hayes has launched a survey to quiz tenants and landlords in his Bournemouth East constituency, in a bid to fix the “broken” rented sector.
Writing in the Bournemouth Daily Echo, Hayes said he is regularly contacted by tenants crying out for change.
He explained: “Rogue landlords are forcing families to sleep together in the dining room because their flat is cramped.
“Rogue landlords are forcing parents to fight mould that triggers chronic asthma...and also make renters live under the shadow of no-fault evictions.
“Every renter I’ve spoken with is anxious about ending up homeless. People pay high rents for a roof over their heads - not a home.”
He said some people are too scared to raise concerns in case they end up being evicted, knowing that there will always be another tenant desperate enough to move in.
However, Hayes adds that although the PRS is damaged by rogue landlords, it’s not dominated by them.
“I’ve met many landlords who invest in proper insulation, fix faulty sockets and offer stability. It angers me that decent landlords who want to earn a little extra money and care for their tenants are being undermined.”
The MP’s survey aims to gather stories from as many local renters as possible.
He explained that understanding their experiences will allow him to effectively represent concerns to the council and the Government, so he can push for meaningful improvements in the town’s rental sector, where one in three households live.
“With strong legislation and strong local action, we can make sure every rented home is safe for the people who live in it. I need to hear from more people…and I want to hear the views of landlords too.”
Landlords can fill in the survey here: https://www.tomhayes.org.uk/rental-survey