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Sadiq Khan goes quiet on rent controls after Labour 'slap down'

rent controls

London Mayor Sadiq Khan has been slapped down by Labour’s national leadership after bidding once again to be given rent control powers, it has been reported.

Despite housing minister Matthew Pennycook confirming in parliament two weeks ago that his department had ‘no plans’ to devolve control of rental market to mayors, Khan has continued to hope that Ministers would change their minds as rents continue to increase sharply in London.

But the Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government has been moved to issue a statement saying that ‘no conversations’ on the topic have been held, and similarly Khan’s spokesperson has now confirmed that rent controls in London are not part of any discussions, the Evening Standard reports.

Khan believes that rent controls are the only way to make renting privately in London more affordable, but political reality means he must now concentrate on building more social and affordable homes.


Earlier this week the NRLA was prompted by Khan’s continuing support for rent controls to issue a warning to Labour that following such a policy would ‘not benefit tenants’.

“Whichever way you look at it there are more renters looking for a place to live than there are homes available,” said Ben Beadle, Chief Executive of the National Residential Landlords Association (pictured).

“Ultimately rent controls would be a disaster for tenants. All they would do is choke off supply further, undermining what little choice tenants currently have when looking for somewhere to live.”

Khan began his rent controls campaign two years ago, saying at the time that he wanted to set up a London Private Rent Commission and implement either freezes on rent rises or caps on the amount landlords could increase rents by each year.


Rent controls

