The search is on for Landlord of the Year as part of this year’s LIS (Landlord Investment Show) Awards.
Nominations are open for the annual awards which were set up to celebrate the shining stars of the property services market and private rented sector.
There are 31 categories this year, including Landlord of the Year, Best Insurance Provider, Developer of the Year, Best Lettings Agency, Best Property Education Provider, Best HMO Services Provider and Best Student Accommodation Provider.
Last year, Leaders Romans Group won Best Lettings Agency, Paul Shamplina took the award for Best Seminar Speaker, and the National Residential Landlords Association was given Outstanding Contribution to the Private Rented Sector.
It’s free to enter and entrants can choose to submit nominations in up to three different categories.
The winners will be decided based on a combination of votes achieved by entrants’ own marketing campaigns and points awarded by the judges, made up of experts across the landlord and property investment sector.
The black-tie event will be hosted by TalkTV presenter Ian Collins at De Vere Grand Connaught Rooms in London on November 13, with all money raised throughout the evening going to the POP (Power of Parenting) charity.
The LIS Awards are organised by the founders of The National Landlord Investment Show, Tracey and Steve Hanbury.
The show sees thousands of portfolio UK landlords and property investors attend events throughout the UK, where they receive free education and information on how to start, grow and retain their property portfolios.
Submissions for the awards must be in by June 20.