The Tory Government’s assault on the student accommodation sector will see the number of private landlords operating within it halve by 2033, it has been claimed.
So says Paul Humphreys of rental platform StudentCrowd, whose comments have been backed by leading York student landlord Adam Bennett (main picture) during a Sky TV programme broadcast over the festive break.
Bennett told the TV investigation that he feels increased regulation, costs, and upcoming changes to the sector under the Renters (Reform) Bill could see him forced out and that these issues were “all that landlords are talking about”.
As LandlordZONE reported recently, although the current version of the Bill outlaws landlords from offering fixed-term tenancies, a recent amendment gives landlords the unique right to remove student tenants from properties who refuse to leave after their academic year has finished.
Although a technical move because the vast majority of students usually plan their accommodation well ahead, it will give student landlords certainty given the unique nature of their properties and tenancies.
But Bennett tells Sky this will not solve the problem of tenants who back out of tenancies soon after arriving at college and realising they don’t like their housemates and want to live somewhere else, and that this will create a ‘horrendous’ situation.
In response to the programme’s criticisms, a Government spokesperson said: “We know a strong and fair rental market will help ease pressures which is why our Renters (Reform) Bill will deliver a fairer private rented sector. This includes greater protections for the student housing market.
"Good landlords have nothing to fear from these reforms.”
Picture credit: Sky News