Landlords are likely to be targeted heavily by political parties as new research shows most remain undecided following Rishi Sunak’s decision to go for a July 4th General Election.
A poll put together by the National Residential Landlords Association (NRLA) and Goodlord reveals that just 45% have made up their mind, 27% said they were open to switching their allegiance and 19% are undecided.
A quarter of letting agents, on the other hand, said they would vote based on industry issues, including voting for a party that promised to reinstate mortgage interest tax relief for landlords or roll back the Tory’s plans to abolish Section 21 evictions.
But while these more specialist policy areas concern both landlords and agents, it is the weak economy that worry letting agents the most, with 51% saying the cost-of-living crisis was their top priority, with 43% looking for a party that offered economic competence.
Amongst landlords, 73% say that party policies relating to the PRS will influence their vote. Only 6% of landlords said party policies towards the private rented sector would have no influence on their vote.
“With British politics in a state of flux in the run-up to the General Election, these findings reveal how both parties, with the right approach, can win landlord support for policies which will help build a stronger private rented sector,” says Ben Beadle, Chief Executive of the NRLA (pictured).
“This data shows how landlords and agents are eager to support a party which promises to put in place the foundations of a successful rental market.
“We urge the Government to continue to engage with key stakeholders across the sector to ensure the legitimate concerns of both groups are taken into account.”