A landlord whose tenants were forced to use a drafty bathroom in the garden has been told to pay out more than £14,000.
Slough Borough Council obtained a warrant to enter Hajra Mehmood’s HMO in Knolton Way in September 2023 to investigate allegations that it was unlicensed.
Reading Magistrates’ Court heard that it was found to be occupied by nine unrelated people, while officers also found several breaches of HMO management regulations.
The property did not have a working fire alarm system, there was insufficient means of escape in the event of a fire, as well as a lack of fire doors to the bedrooms and lack of fireproofing between floors. It also did not display information informing the tenants about how to contact the owner.
A bathroom which the tenants were expected to use was found in a brick shed in the garden (main image) which also had ill-fitting doors and windows that did not close properly.
Mehmood, who appears to have deleted all her socila media accounts, ignored the council’s request to provide information about the ownership and management of her property, the number of occupiers, copies of tenancy agreements and other documentation.
In court, she was found guilty of eight offences relating to breaches of HMO management regulations and the Housing Act 2004 and must pay fines of £9,000 and costs of £5,556.
Councillor Ishrat Shah (pictured), lead member for equalities, public health and public protection, says she’s delighted to see the court taking these offences so seriously.
“Let this be a warning to others to check they are meeting all their obligations, and if not, take immediate action to avoid appearing in court themselves and facing huge financial penalties,” adds Shah.