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Taxes, red tape and the onslaught of landlords: it’s time to get out

house taxes red tape

This week The Telegraph hit the nail on the head when it reported that landlord profits had collapsed in the past decade following an onslaught of taxes and red tape.

That, coupled with the unbelievable amount of hoops landlords have to jump through, has pushed the entire sector to breaking point.

You can attempt to whip out as many rose-tinted glasses as you like, but the fact of the matter is, we’re deep into a war on landlords, and it’s pushed many of us to the decision that it’s time to get out.

No longer is this an “on the fence” decision, and certainly we don’t say this lightly, nor could we be accused of “scaremongering.” The truth is well and truly upon us, and the figures are grim.

According to analysis from estate agents Hamptons, in 2013 a London landlord in the higher rate income tax band would have made £2,200 profit on a £500,000 property. In 2024, the same landlord today on average makes a £1,300 loss despite near-identical mortgage rates. The situation isn’t just bad, it’s shocking.

And the outcome is ridiculous, the mass exodus of landlords is only pushing rents higher and higher as landlords sell up and buy-to-lets are converted to unaffordable private homes. The same strategy being hailed as helping tenants (here’s looking at “no-fault evictions” and rent caps) is going to be the very thing that harms them.

Unfortunately, the horse has bolted, and it’s no surprise that hundreds of landlords per week are now coming to us to sell. In fact, according to figures from Rightmove last month, almost 1 in 5 rental properties are now up for sale.  

So what are we going to do?

The only thing we can do. It’s time to claw back our money and get out. Our investments are running out like time-bombs in the rental sector, and in my opinion, they’d be far better placed elsewhere. It’s why I created Landlord Sales Agency – to sell my own portfolio – and now we’ve got the best team in the country to help you sell to. A team for landlords, by landlords.

So with just 2 months to go until Christmas, the least you can do is get in touch, even if you’re not ready just yet. We specialise in selling all landlord properties, whether it’s whole portfolios or individual buy-to-lets.

We’ve got access to over 30,000 private buyers queuing up to buy your properties – either to switch them to first time homes, or new, younger landlords who want to take a punt and take rentals off our hands.

The result is that when you contact us, your buy-to-lets immediately go out to our vast network via a series of alerts and a bidding war begins, driving up the prices so that we can get you the highest price possible, fast. Got an issue with tenants? No problem, we can sell with them in. Got a property that needs desperate refurbs? No worries, we can sell them too, or in some cases, even pay for the refurbs for you to get a higher price.

Landlords still need to be realistic – gone are the days when you could get out fast and walk away with 100% market value, but we’ll make sure we get you a price you’re happy with, so you can exit before Christmas, and still recoup the costs to put your investment elsewhere. In fact, on average all our properties sell in less than 28 days.

We’re a no-nonsense team who care about landlords and have the best team in the country to help. We know exactly what you’re going through, and exactly what it takes to get your money back in the bank.

So get in touch with the form below, and let us jump on it for you. You’ve got nothing to lose, and everything to gain.

It’s time to cut your losses and start making real money elsewhere.


Landlord sales agency

